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Swap Meet

As in most swap meets, the best bargains are found by the early shopper and that holds true at the Victorville Fairgrounds Swap Meet. Hundreds of vendors sell a great combination of new, used and collectible items. Comfortable seating is provided for our on-site food court serving a variety of local and specialty foods. Entertainment is sometimes available. This market is open every Saturday and Sunday, 6AM - 2:30PM, except during the annual San Bernardino County Fair traditionally in May. A small admission fee is charged to shoppers. Plenty of free parking is available.

Victorville Fairgrounds / Maclin Open Air Markets
14800 Seventh Avenue
Victorville, CA 92392
1-800-222-SHOP (7467) Monday – Friday

Every Saturday and Sunday 6AM - 2:30PM

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Seller Information

Rates: $25 each day, for any space on Saturday and Sunday. Cash ONLY

Pay upon arrival on the day of the event. Vendors should arrive between 6AM and 7:30AM for space assignment.

Vendors may park their vehicles in their assigned space. The speed limit is 3 MPH. All fire lanes and aisles must be cleared by 9:30AM.

No prepared foods or drinks can be sold. No weapons, no items that would be inappropriate for a family venue and, of course, nothing illegal may be sold. New and used merchandise may be sold. Produce, packaged and canned foods need proper health permits.

California law mandates that any vendor selling merchandise must have a resale license. Maclin Markets must have a copy of your license on file by the time you have sold at this market twice. Contact your local State Board of Equalization for this permit. Listing for their offices can be found in your local telephone book yellow pages. You will need to tell them where you are selling; please have this address available.

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